Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year!

I really should not be awake now. Considering I only got home less than five hours ago, I should make the most out of my Saturday off and sleep in. But somehow, my circadian rhythm does not allow me to sleep through 9am. Something to do with the heat or the morning sun here maybe.
I honestly do not remember the last night I sat on the side of road in the CBD area in the darkest hours of the night trying to catch a cab home. Or more like giving up trying to catch a cab home because 90% of the taxis were hired; 5% did not want to go to the east side and the remaining 5% could not even be bothered stopping for us. I was not in a hurry to get home though. I was content to sit by the road, or outside a Starbucks that refused to serve us coffee. Traffic was going by us. People were standing literally on the road trying to stop a taxi. The sky was pitch dark and starless. The Christmas lights were still on. It was a rare moment in Singapore when it was not hot and humid and sticky and the streets were free of crowds.
So I did not manage to find the others before midnight and I was watching the first half of the fireworks behind the barricade. The cocktail was not that good and I only got about four hours sleep last night (or this morning). But it was a good NYE. My first NYE in Singapore.

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